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to all that came out for our first on-farm sale. It was great to have so many old friends and new come to share this day with us. We look forward to hosting everyone next year!
Thank you
Black Gold Simmentals - Silver Smith Simmentals - XRC Simmentals - C-Spring Farming Co. - Blackacre Farms Ltd. - Bar Anchor Seven Ltd. - Pembina Ranching Ltd. ** - Hagman Cattle Co. ** - Tristen Wirsig *** - Prins Brothers - Twin Creek Angus ** - Russell Spearin ** - Lawrence Strocher ** - Handhills Farming - Roger Knull - Paul Zellweger - Raymond & Avelene Callioux ** - Dale Metzger - Garry Titford - Brent Wagner - Jim Robb - Blaine Dietz - Jim Holmgren - Bucolic Pastures - Timberlind - FJL Ranch Inc. - CJ Livestock
* multiple bulls bought
2024 Sale Bulls
bull profiles
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